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Robert S. Pesich
The Bitter Oleander
"An interview with Robert Pesich and a selection of his work",
Vol.14 No.2, Fall: pages 45-77.
Porter Gulch Review
" Invisible Wounds", a critique of Robert Pesich's poem "Nature Boy in Silicon Valley"
by Alicia Flores,pages 168-172.
Porter Gulch Review
"The Zebrafish", a critique of Robert Pesich's poem "A Quick Stop at the Natural Life
Aquarium" by James O'Hare, pages 202-205
The Poetry Show, hosted by Susan Freeman, KUSP 90.3fm, February 20th 2011, Santa Cruz, CA
The Poetry Show, hosted by Morton Marcus, KUSP 90.3fm, March 6th 2005, Santa Cruz, CA
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